Midtherm Engineering awarded contract at the University of Kent


Midtherm Engineering was recently awarded the in excess of 200K contract at the University of Kent to undertake the flue upgrades at the University’s main energy centre.

The project began in March 2019 with Midtherm on board to aid with the design of the new flue systems and mast structure.

The structure will be a pentagon shaped mast, deigned to firstly support 4No flue systems connecting to the existing 3.5MW HTHW boilers, the pentagon shape will ensure the structure is suitable for the future 4No 4MW HTHW boilers and 1No CHP Unit flue systems.

The structure will discharge 22m above external ground level, with the capability of increasing in height to 30m above external ground level.

Our works will include removal of the existing chimney, design, supply and installation of the new flue and mast structure.

The project is due to be completed in September 2019.

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